S SERIES - Our S-bows draw a brilliant and most powerful sound, which is perfect for solo playing. They are the bows that most professional players choose. They are a perfect match with all dark sounding, large model instruments, like Goffriller or Montagnana perfectly. The octagonal sticks bounce really easy and play with unmatched agility and liveliness. The round sticks feel more steady and their handling is very direct and perfectly predictable.
M SERIES - If you are looking for a bow that enhances the warmth in the sound of your instrument, an Arcus M is most probably the right bow. It works really well with all smaller celli that are often a bit brighter in sound. The M-bows draw a very full, warm and rich sound which is also clear and provides good brilliance. They are good for the entire repertoire and provide great comfort, so that even after long hours of playing the bow arm still feels light and relaxed.
T SERIES - The T-bows special characteristics is a sound that combines great warmth and depth with a wide range of overtones and brilliance. The elasticity of the stick is precisely matched to modern steel core strings and while they feel soft when playing lightly, their stiffness kicks in when power and intensity are required. All this makes them the perfect all round bows for every repertoire and setting.